Thursday 18 February 2010

In response to 'Responses' on 'meanderings of an undiagnosed schizophrenic'

Interesting comments about the prescribed morality of society making us miserable. Nietzsche describes morality as 'the herd instinct in the individual.' Whilst we are all individual, there is something inside us that makes us 'tow the line' so to speak. Whether this behaviour is innate or learnt is a different matter. Are we merely covering our animal instincts with the thin veneer of learnt morality or are we basically herd animals who must fight to become individuals?
If 'God is dead' as Nietzsche proclaimed, then there is no true right and wrong, only the boundaries we impose on ourselves. Sartre called it 'existentialism'. He says 'Everything is permissible if God does not exist, and as a result man is forlorn, because neither within him or without him does he find anything to cling to.'
Society was much simpler when we wallowed in ignorance and were told what to think and how to act by the church. Now, in this post-modern wasteland of morality, we are all alone. Exciting and a little scary, huh?

For more info on Nietzsche and Sartre click on the respective links below:

1 comment:

  1. Nietzsche and Sartre too, this is all very worrying :P)
